Work in the DSA Research Group

After 12 years in the UK, Professor Sebastian Vollmer moved back to Germany to lead a research group at the Rhineland-Palatinate Technical University and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence in Kaiserslautern. We are hiring on all levels: MSc, PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and group leaders. Remote positions are available!

Group Leader

Want to lead your own research agenda and grant income? Our group and the DFKI are an excellent place for you.

Senior Postdoc

Excited by this lab’s research directions and interested in pursuing a specific research agenda? (from €4500/month)


If you have completed or are about to complete your PhD and are interested in our projects, get in touch. We can be a great springboard into industry, to create startups and be the first step of an academic career. (€3400/month after tax, depending on circumstance)


If you are excited by our past research or the topics mentioned on this site, please get in touch. (€1700/month stipend + €600 HiWi position or WiMA E13)

MSc stipend

We predominantly hire PhDs and postdocs, but MSc stipends are also available for highly motivated individuals, including international students. You must apply to RPTU, but please contact us beforehand, and check the course regulations.

Open positions

View our specific job listings below!

Open positions

Click on a specific job listing for further information.

Researcher in analysis of events data

Researcher in analysis of events data

The Eventful project aims to extend, combine and improve state-of-the-art methods used to model events to increase their performance, explainability, trustworthiness and applicability to richer data sets.

Researcher in bioinformatics

Researcher in bioinformatics

Presently, the DSA group is actively recruiting research assistants, MSc, PhD students, postdocs to contribute to the CurATime project, developing AI/ML methods to assist analysis and scientific discovery within high-dimensional biomedical data. We seek enthusiastic candidates ready to start immediately.

Student research assistant (HiWi)

Student research assistant (HiWi)

Interested in advancing your data science or machine learning career? The DSA group is recruiting new research assistants (Hilfswissentschaftlern; “HiWis”) to work with us on several exciting projects. Positions are available immediately.